Frequently Asked Questions
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An attribution report assigns credit for a KPI to certain engagements along the customer journey.
There are tens of thousands of actions recorded by HockeyStack for each company. Therefore we have to have a way of filtering to the exact engagements we want to receive credit. Attribution touchpoints are the engagements along the customer journey selected for credit distribution towards a KPI.
To give an example, see the below table for actions that a company has recorded. The red actions are ones that a HockeyStack user might want to filter out. The green actions are ones that a HockeyStack user might want to keep. The action at the end is our KPI.
Action Name
2024-04-06 09:21:30
Marketing Email Sent
2024-04-05 09:15:32
Website Session Started
2024-04-05 09:16:05
Scrolled down on webpage
2024-04-05 09:16:45
Website Session Ended
2024-04-05 10:00:30
Outbound Email Sent
2024-04-06 09:23:13
Marketing Email Clicked
2024-04-07 07:07:00
Tradeshow Invited
2024-04-07 10:27:50
Tradeshow Attended
2024-04-08 11:00:00
Deal Created (Pipeline) - $100k
Looking at the above journey, we need to distribute $100k in total credit into actions along the journey.
If we weren’t filtering out touchpoints, the credit distribution would be:
Action Name
Marketing Email Sent
Website Session Started
Scrolled down on webpage
Website Session Ended
Outbound Email Sent
Marketing Email Clicked
Tradeshow Invited
Tradeshow Attended
Deal Created (Pipeline) - $100k
→ This is our KPI
But it doesn’t make sense for a “scroll down” action to be attributed $12.5k, so we instead want the below distribution:
Action Name
Marketing Email Sent
Website Session Started
Scrolled down on webpage
Website Session Ended
Outbound Email Sent
Marketing Email Clicked
Tradeshow Invited
Tradeshow Attended
Deal Created (Pipeline) - $100k
→ This is our KPI
HockeyStack does this filtering using “breakdowns” in reports.
If the property that is selected as the breakdown is not empty and the action it is tied to has a timestamp that is before the timestamp of the KPI chosen for attribution, then that property is used as an attribution touchpoint.
If your breakdown does not have an associated timestamp, it won’t be usable in attribution. Examples include company properties & user properties. For example, many HockeyStack users try to use Lead Source in their breakdown using an attribution model. This doesn’t make sense because Lead Source is not attached to any timestamp, and does not exist on the customer journey — it’s just a property.
To find out what object or integration a field is pulling from, you can:
Create a new empty report
Add 3 breakdowns: Action Name, Integration, and the field you are analyzing (Both action name and integration are under Action Properties)
Click on the field you are analyzing in the breakdowns, click Filter, and filter to "is not empty”
Click on the field you are analyzing in the breakdowns, click Customize, and map all rows that are "not empty” to a text like "Is not empty”
Make sure your columns have Any Action - Times Done
Make sure your date range is "All Times”
Click “Preview”
"Source" is either the "?utm_source=" parameter in URLs that people visit, if that exists, or if not, it is the referrer.
"UTM Source" is the "?utm_source=" in URLs that people visit. For example, if someone visits, UTM Source is google.
"UTM Medium" is the "?utm_medium=" in URLs that people visit. For example, if someone visits, UTM Medium is cpc.
First, ensure that Task - CreatedDate is added into Settings > Reporting & Tracking > Track Date Properties.
Action Name and Task fields such as Task Subject or Task Type under Action Properties will be helpful in defining Task based mappings in Defined Properties.