Sourcing and targeting accounts for joint marketing & sales campaigns
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Last updated
Visualize accounts that are engaging with you in any way (via ad platforms, on your website, through email clicks, etc.), how many visitors are coming to your site, and how many high-value actions have been taken. Sort each column to determine if all accounts should be included or if you want to continue to filter down before taking next steps. This can be used to curate a list of engaged accounts that are candidates for a dedicated campaign (ABM) or for retargeting based on your criteria.
Creating this report:
Report Name
Report Type
Report Details
Account Candidates
Date Range: Dynamic - This Quarter
Compare to Previous Period: Toggle on
Breakdown by: Company Name
Filter Users / Companies by: Segment - Not in Pipeline / Non Customer
Attribution: None
Data (Columns): Engagement (Any Action - Times Done), Unique Visitors (Website Metrics - Unique Visitors), High Value Action (Your Custom Goal - Times Done)
How it should look
Pro tips
You can create variants of this report using:
Line charts for easier visualization of company engagement by week or month over longer periods or dynamic ranges like the last 180 days (example above)
Bar charts for easier drill downs into individual companies that look interesting, breaking down by date and Unified Channel (example above)
Create different segments for different types of campaigns. High intent actions from unowned or non-customer accounts are great for immediate sales follow up. High engagement or multiple unique users from accounts in pipeline are great candidates for nurture or sales alerts.
If you have an ABM campaign already running, you can filter these reports to look at JUST the accounts being targeted and see how they are engaging as well.
CRM sync is triggered automatically from any custom Journey view to your HubSpot or Salesforce instance, on a daily basis. The format of the sync is boolean (true/false) at the Company (account) level, so a company either meets the criteria or does not, based on the filters you designate in your Journey view.
Syncing accounts that meet qualification criteria is a great way to keep your sales reps up-to-date on the latest engagement for key accounts. Setting up a report to show accounts from your Journey filter in Salesforce or HubSpot lets sales reps stay in their workflow and tools they are used to, but with the relevant account signals.
Enabling the integration in the Journeys view of your instance. You will need to set it up for each Journey you wish to sync to your CRM. Please note this will only sync Companies (User Grouping -> Company), not Unique Users. To set up:
In Salesforce:
Create a boolean (checkbox) field in Salesforce to capture the information
Note the API field name which will look something like firstword_secondword__c
Create a report that has your selected checkbox field designated as “true” to show results. Add your report to dashboards, or create a lead/contact/account view for sales reps as needed
In HockeyStack:
Create a Journey view with your chosen filters
Make sure you hit “Filter” and Save View!
Select “Send to CRM - Configure” located in the filter button on the Journey view (ensuring “User Grouping” selection is “Company”)
Toggle “Active” to on
Select your CRM from the “Choose your CRM” dropdown field
Map to your designated CRM field in the “Property Name” field, using the Salesforce API field name you chose
Note - additional documentation can be found here.
How it should look
In Salesforce
In HockeyStack
Pro tips
For very narrow criteria, keep your timeframe more open. Because this is an Account-level view and selections must meet all criteria to display, you may have very few accounts if your timeframe is very short (daily or weekly). But if it serves you and your team to only show a handful of accounts, go for it!
Add reports you create to display accounts to a dashboard or list view in your CRM so sales reps can easily find and access them for follow up.
Slack alerts are triggered automatically from any custom Journey view to the channel of your choice, every hour. The digest format of the Slack alert is scannable and links back to the full journey in HockeyStack, making it easy for sales reps or marketers to drill into the details of a particular contact or account.
This is particularly useful for targeted campaigns like ABM or Top 20 where a rep wants to see every contact’s engagement across the account before reaching out to specific individuals. It also provides the context and background needed to skip the first 15 minutes of a discovery call or set a meeting via cold call.
Set up by
Enabling the integration in the Journeys view of your instance. You only need to set this up once for it to work on any Journey view. Please note this will not work on the “Default” view, only on custom Journey views. To start receiving Slack alerts:
Create your desired Journey view with all relevant filters
Ensure timeframe is set to “Today,” as the sync scans for new information on an hourly basis
Note whether you want to share Unique Users or Companies
Make sure you hit “Filter” and Save View!
Select “Add to Slack” located in the filter button
Choose which Alert Channel to send to (desired Slack channel)
How it should look
In HockeyStack
In Slack
Pro tips
Split journeys into actionable groups. You can set up as many journey views as you want for as many slack channels as you want, so align your splits to the way your sellers work, for example:
Company size vs industry vs region
New prospect vs existing customer
Top 20 accounts
Split journeys for use in marketing campaigns as well, either to alert reps or to monitor for your own purposes. For example:
Visits from nurture campaigns or ads
ABM visits
Key page visits like pricing or view of multiple pages in a session
Audience sync is triggered automatically from any custom Journey view to your LinkedIn Ads or StackAdapt, on a daily basis. The format of the sync is boolean (true/false) at the Company (account) level, so a company either meets the criteria or does not, based on the filters you designate in your Journey view.
Syncing accounts that meet qualification criteria is ideal for highly targeted campaigns like ABM, progression / nurture of open opportunities, revival (closed lost) or retargeting.
Enabling the integration in the Journeys view of your instance. You will need to set it up for each Journey you wish to sync to your ad platform. Please note this will only sync Companies (User Grouping -> Company), not Unique Users. To set up:
Create a Journey view with your chosen filters
Make sure you hit “Filter” and Save View!
Select “Send to Ads Platform - Configure” located in the filter button (ensuring “User Grouping” selection is “Company”)
Toggle “Active” to on
Select your Ad Platform from the “Choose your Ads Platform” dropdown field
Choose the Ad Account you wish to use
Create an Audience Name you will recognize as syncing from the HockeyStack platform
In LinkedIn Campaign Manager the audience will display as a Matched Audience. You should receive an email when the audience is ready to be used!
Note - additional documentation can be found here
In HockeyStack
In LinkedIn Campaign Manager
Pro tips
Creating views that meet platform recommendations for audience size is essential to proper ad delivery. Aim for at least 300 accounts, especially if you have a small ICP (LinkedIn recommends 50k audiences).
Layer these audiences with additional targeting if needed to ensure ad delivery.
Report on and alert your sales reps with the same views you are using for ad syncs to keep campaign momentum going and improve conversion from lead to opportunity!
The HockeyStack component in Salesforce is displayed as an iframe on Accounts to show you the journey of all associated contacts and anonymous users. This allows sales or customer success reps to see the most complete view of an account’s engagements for context and insight that will improve:
Cold calling or emailing
Discovery or introductory meetings
Deal closure conversations
Expansion and upsell discussions
Confirming you have access to the HockeyStack component in your HockeyStack instance. To set up:
Locate the Lightning page(s) where you’d like the HockeyStack component to appear
Click "Edit Page" to enter the Lightning Page Builder
Add the HockeyStack component from the list on the left side, drag and drop the component into the desired position on the page
Save your changes to the page. Once saved, you should see the journeys for the associated company, contact, or lead directly within the component
How it should look
Pro tips
Filter by certain touchpoints to easily see calls, emails, or any marketing touchpoints you want to isolate or view at a glance
Merge anonymous users to see all unknown visitors together and look for broader patterns
Sourcing accounts and syncing for targeted marketing campaigns
Play with different versions of Engaged Accounts Reports to figure out what data you want to use for the journey views that will feed your CRM, Slack and Audience (Ad Platform) syncs. Once you set up journey views and enable the syncs, add the Salesforce iframe for additional context for reps, run your ad campaigns and get sales engaged in follow up!