Set up the Export
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Last updated
All Data Sync exports occur on a daily, recurring basis. During the first run, a full export will be performed to capture all existing data. After this initial backfill, subsequent exports will be incremental, including only the newly added data for your chosen export type.
Stage Data: This will export data filtered by the Stage and Touchpoint settings configured in Data Categorization settings.
Raw Actions: This will export all action data at the most granular level.
Authenticate using either an assigned user / password or Key Pair:
After doing so, Test the connection:
Testing Connection verifies that the Data Sync is able to use the provided credentials to create a table, and insert data.
Caveats & Common Pitfalls:
In the case of authentication errors, please confirm that you are able to authenticate and create tables within Snowflake using provided credentials. Authentication issues very likely stem from a permission missing on the warehouse, database, or schema, or table level for the user.
Other validation errors:
Table names should not contain dashes ex: table-name
but instead should use underscores: table_name
if a space is needed.